
Copywriting. Writing copy. Something I have personally been doing since my journalism classes at the University of Connecticut—and it is a skill and service I am very passionate about assisting your business with.

Your copy on a website, social media platform, email marketing campaign and more is the first impression and understanding someone has of your business and services. And it is the bridge between getting their attention and having them stay to learn more.

Clear, creative copy that informs and entertains is absolutely pivotal to your success and I would love to assist you.

My services include.

  • Website copy

  • Social media copy

  • E-newsletter copy

  • Slogans

  • Taglines

  • Brochure copy

  • Video scripts

  • SEO copywriting

  • Blog articles

  • Press releases

  • and more

Contact Me

If you're looking for copywriting assistance for your business, contact me today to learn more about my services.

Call 610-715-9091.