Farmers Market Marketing

When I was twelve years old, my parents told me to get a job. No joke. We were not given allowances as children and I came from an upbringing that believed you earn your keep.

My first job was at the Lancaster County Farmer’s Market. I worked 6am-4pm every Saturday at D’Innocenzo’s Pasta Stand. (I am still the youngest employee on record there to this day.) Man those were very long days—but when you are young you can do it. I absolutely loved it.

I worked for Susan and Karen through my college years at UConn. It taught me so much about life, loving pasta, Italian food and outstanding customer service. I was revered and respected in the market not because of my age, but my commitment to being a dedicated employee. I even have the recipe for the famous D’Innocenzo’s chicken tortellini salad that we sold nonstop! You can email me for it ( So very delicious!

At D’Innocenzo’s, I immersed myself into the gourmet food & entertaining culture that was so very vibrant in the ‘80s (Martha Stewart). And, as I got my footing, Main Line customers hired me to single-handedly cater and work their private holiday and family parties—and I wasn’t even 16 so my Dad was my dedicated uber. I had a robust entrepreneurial spirit and passion!

Fast forward 40 years later and here I am loving the very thing that formed the most memorable and most rewarding years of my childhood—farmers markets. In 2024, the farmers market industry is over-saturated. There are dozens of markets to choose from all around the Main Line. In addition, the novelty has worn off because we now have Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Wegmans, DiBruno Brothers, Kimberton Whole Foods, Produce Junction, and many, many options for produce and goods. Consumers are very price savvy with soaring grocery costs post-Covid. No more $4/lb heirloom tomatoes because they are cute, thank you very much.

But farmers markets still play a very vital part in our local economy and are well received on social media channels. They offer a lot of entrepreneurs and small batch food companies a vibrant platform to sustain and grow their respective businesses. It is fun for me to see the “weekly lineup” of curated vendors, farmers, artisans and business owners who make up a market family.

Having a marketing plan, outstanding website and strong, purposeful social media channels are vital to your farmers market, and, most importantly, vendors’ success. In the crowded, competitive and confusing world of the scroll, you need to stand out and shine for your bottom line. Let me help you!

Businesses Served

Farmers Markets, Nurseries, Farmers Market Vendors, Farm Stands, Produce Markets, Farms, Orchards, Gardening Centers, Farmers, Gourmet Markets, Gourmet Food Products, Farm Festivals, Farmers Market Organizers and Managers…and More

In 2024, Farmers Markets must compete on price and purpose. Consumers are very savvy—and are buried in soaring grocery prices and an unstable economy.

Photo: Pete’s Produce Farm, Westtown School

Marketing Services

Social Media Management



Farmers Market Vendor Curation

Farmers Market Vendor Marketing Coaching

Website Design

Website Management

Website SEO

Blog Writing and Copywriting

Email Marketing

Creative Business Ideas

Social Media Campaigns with AroundMainLine and AroundChesterCounty

Social Media Ad Buys

Community Engagement Management

Event Marketing

User Generated Content Growth and Management

Media Outreach/Press Releases

Main Line Easter Bunny Appearances

Farmers Market Photography

featuring the Main Line Easter Bunny