Event Marketing

It seems events are a dime a dozen these days—especially in a post-Covid economy as businesses scramble to bring back enthusiasm and revenue to their business. Is your Facebook page littered with event invitations every day? Mine certainly is…not to mention my email.

To cut through the noise and crowd of “over” event marketing, your business needs to be very astute in how you approach creating and marketing an event so that you can maximize your efforts and deliver value to your bottom line.

With over 15 years of local event creation, management and marketing experience, I can help you outline a marketing strategy, plan the efforts online, via email and on social media, manage day of logistics and so much more.

We live in the Experience Economy. In 2023, understanding how to deliver your business event correctly as an experience to a local audience is extremely important. Without a plan in place and an expert by your side, you will be losing valuable time and money with your solo effort. Let me help you!

Contact me today to learn more about my event marketing services. I look forward to chatting about how I can help you plan a successful business event. Or, kindly feel free to call my cell: 610-715-9091.

Services Provided

  • Event Creation (Naming, Selection of Time and Date, Logistics)

  • Event Marketing Meeting

  • Event Marketing Calendar and Schedule of Marketing Execution

  • Vendor Curation and Coordination

  • Event Marketing Guidance for Vendors

  • Social Media Consulting

  • Building Pre-Event Anticipation

  • Social Media Event Strategy

  • Social Media Co-Management

  • Grand Opening Marketing

  • Festival Marketing

  • Creative Event Concepts

  • FOMO Strategies (Fear of Missing Out)

  • Event Anticipation Strategy

  • Live (Day Of) Event Coverage on Social Media Platforms

  • Professional Photography

  • Professional Videography

  • Promotional Ideas and Execution

  • User Generated Content (UGC) Strategies and Implementation

  • Event Email Design and Management

  • Event Graphics Design

  • Website Content

  • Event Press Release and Press Follow up

  • Co-Marketing with AroundMainLine social media platforms

  • Main Line Easter Bunny event appearance and promotional support

  • Assistance with thank you notes and key thank you efforts to attendees

Case Study:
Havertown Holiday Festival 2022

Discover Haverford, a local non-profit that promotes community and business development in Haverford Township, hired me to market their first annual Haverford Holiday Festival in December of 2022. The organization wanted to build local awareness and anticipation to support event attendance and drive local families to the 10 hour celebration. I reviewed the event details and developed a targeted social media and marketing strategy to highlight the festive, family-oriented character of the day. With a focused and fun plan in place, I was able to drive thousands of attendees and support this important holiday community event.

Selected Client Services Provided: Havertown Holiday Festival

  • Event planning and marketing strategy

  • Locate participating vendors ahead of time and follow on social media

  • Create and publish Instagram event campaigns on AroundMainLine

  • Create and publish Facebook event campaigns on AroundMainLine

  • Shoot photography and video of attendees and vendors day of event

  • Provide live social media coverage on day of event on various accounts

  • Airdrop content to attendees and vendors we connect with at the event

  • Locate and engage with attendee and vendor User Generated Content (UGC) on social media

  • Host event recap on AroundMainLine social media

    Check out our blog post about the Havertown Holiday Festival here.